Welcome. Here you will find information gathered from many spiritual sources about what may happen after 2012 and about the Grand Shift of the Ages. It is my intent to help people to understand the significance of this event, and to discover the possible scenarios of this moment in time so that we can be prepared, aware and awakened...

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Monday, November 12, 2012

November 2012 Updates from Psychic Sources

Before we get going, I want to announce a special for you. I have a limited amount of extra books I want to offer for a really good deal:


This is not just about 2012. We are waist-deep in this transition There are many predictions in this book about 2012 and beyond that may be postponed until 2013 or later due to the choices we are making now. Get insights from the sources in this book to help you understand and cope with the massive changes that are about to occur. Find out what may happen as we evolve to the next level.

Okay, the commercial is over. Well here we are, less than two months away from December 21, 2012. It is said by 99% of the psychics and channels that this will be just another day, not the end of the world. Some are predicting timeline shifts, some still see some sort of cataclysm around that time. We will just have to wait and see, but the more we can be at peace within ourselves, releasing fears and going with the changes, the easier this whole time period will be.

2012 is a marker in a time period of major irrevocable transition, maybe even a dimensional shifting where we as humans see ourselves evolve to higher level along with the Earth. That is the big picture, but how it plays out all depends on what you are thinking and doing right now. You have a say in how this turns out both for you individually and for the planet.

It is important to find your inner peace, to be compassionate for self and others and detached from judgment, as the waves of energy pass over us and through us. It could get very intense. Many people will not understand what is happening and there may be a lot of confusion. Don’t lose sight of tending to yourself quietly every day. I saw a funny post on Facebook of a Zen saying, “You should sit in meditation for twenty minutes every day – unless you are too busy, then you should sit for an hour”.         

This month I have a smorgasbord of messages from the sources.

Carmen was in my book and continues to post a lot if interesting messages and specials when she is not traveling, writing, or giving talks or readings. This was from her Facebook post.

She says: “Are you ready for the future of the world? You better be, because it’s coming and it’s coming FAST! The generations alive on Earth right now will soon witness some of the most INCREDIBLE universal changes in the history of Mother Earth. Some changes will be positive, some will seem negative at first (although they are all for our ultimate good), but ALL impending changes will surely leave us breathless and speechless. It is always better to be prepared and meet our challenges head-on.”

“The modern systems we’ve created are only bringing us anguish, and the global crisis we are ALL in shows us that the systems need to collapse. A new system must be born; a more fair and balanced system which truly benefits us all. Until then, be prepared to witness more natural disasters than ever. Understand that the monetary systems we’re familiar with are ending and get ready to live a brand new life on Earth (and possibly on other planets, too!).”

Sherri and her guides were also in 2012 Messages. Here some recent info from one of her guides “Charles”.

Around Halloween, Charles was talking about how the veil is thinner and that as we are able to quiet ourselves and listen, we will hear messages coming from Spirit, our Higher Self and to not doubt that this is true. He wants people to listen and trust what messages come through, even write them down and look at them later. What he’s talking about is the beginning of automatic writing, a way that Sherri has found works fore her in order  to be able to communicate with the other side and with her Higher Self.

I have already sensed that my intuition has become heightened. I listen to my impulses as I am planning something. I have noticed that when I look at an object and wonder whether I should take it with me or buy it at a store, I don’t second guess it any more and it turns out that I really needed that thing after I made that decision, so there you go. Trust your instincts because it is your Higher Self trying to help you.   

Another book source, a frequent Facebook poster and gives a monthly message at  http://enlighteninglife.com/jennifers-blog   She always has something to say that will help you in your life.

Her message this month is to look back and see what has changed in your life since 1993 and see what may be holding you back from moving forward. She says that “Whatever isn’t flowing isn’t going in the right direction for you.”   

“As we move into 2013 timing will become increasingly important and we will learn to work within divine timing. This month presents us with learning about divine timing, right purpose, alignment, and integrity.”

She talks about the eclipse coming up November 28th as a sort of starting gate for the energies of 2013 which she says will begin to come in December of 2012.

“Let November bring forward any endings and let them end, especially if they have come up more than once this year. It’s time to finally let those doors close so new ones can open.”

When I went looking for sources for 2012 Messages, Lee had really direct and understandable information that he delivers as if you are just having a conversation about what went on during the day. He gives monthly messages in video and text here http://leeharrisenergy.blogspot.com  

In relation to the recent Hurricane: “I also know that New York was symbolic of certain things that we’re going to go through in the next few years. We’re going to see more of these dramatic weather incidences. Community --It’s going to be those connections with each other that get us through the next few years and some of the challenges”

He says that this month’s theme is leadership and direction -- coming from within. He wants us to “be a leader of yourself this month and trust that you leading yourself is exactly what you’re supposed to do for everyone else around you.”

He believes that the greatest challenge we have no is rebalancing the planet and dealing with cosmic events, including more weather related world situations. In order to begin this balancing, he suggests that we balancing ours own energy by taking more time to be out in nature, day and night.

In this month “…we’ll have moments where we’re in older parts of ourselves that we’re trying to bring up to date. And this is a great time for busting through fear, for going and doing things that you wouldn’t normally do or give yourself permission to do.” Many will be coming “to the end of the road” with their work or lifestyle and realizing that this needs to shift. “What will surprise you is a lot of what will come back through you are seed energies of who you were as a child.”
JOLIE DeMARCO   http://www.the2ndbigshift.com 
Jolie was not in my book but I like her cryptic channelings, which she deciphers for us. This is more of a timely spiritual message, although she does get predictions as well.

Recently she said that in November, particularly the 12th – 28th (the full moon eclipse), we have the opportunity to clear our souls from all negativity that is still retained, to relearn past lessons if needed and get clear about what you want or don’t want in your life.  This happens every 11 years. She has a meditation guide to accomplish this called “soul talking” at her blog here http://www.the2ndbigshift.com/soul_talking

That’s all for now. Have great month and I will be back with another post in December. If you want to follow more closely, like my book page here www.facebook.com/2012messages


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